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Lecturer by day, baker by night. I believe in sharing with anyone who seeks the perfect recipe. Baking is both a science and an art.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

French Baguette with Sour Dough

Starter Dough
200g bread flour
140g water

1. combine and keep in tthe fridge for 12-16hours. The longer, the more intence.

Bread Dough
175g bread flour
120g water
6g Yeast
6g Salt
45g Sour dough

1. Combine all ingredients and mix to a soft dough. Rest for 40 mins
2. Divide dough to 240g each
3. Flatten and shape. Rest for 20 mins
4. Shape to baguette shape. Proof to double its size
5. Score top of the loaf
6. Bake 210 degrees for 20-25 mins (Spray side of over with water to ensure crust)

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