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Lecturer by day, baker by night. I believe in sharing with anyone who seeks the perfect recipe. Baking is both a science and an art.
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Salted Caramel Chocolate Tart

Salted Caramel Chocolate Tart

160g Flour
30g Almond meal
30g Cocoa
50g Sugar
1/4 tsp salt
100g butter
1tsp Vanila
1 egg
1-2tbsp cold water

1. Combine ingredients
2. Bake at 180 degrees

300g sugar
100g water
120g cream
70g butter
1tsp salt

1. combine sugar and water and bring to a boil.
2. add salt, cream, and butter and continue to boil till desired color.
3. leave to cool

120g cream
120g bittersweet chocolate

1. bring cream to a boil
2. pour over chocolate and stir well

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