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Lecturer by day, baker by night. I believe in sharing with anyone who seeks the perfect recipe. Baking is both a science and an art.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Strawberry Mirror Glaze Cake

Vanilla Sponge
250g Sponge mix
5 eggs
50g melted butter
50g water

Strawberry Jelly Filling
80g fresh/frozen berry
30g sugar
1tsp orange zest
10g pectin powder
30g water

Combine all and bring it to a boil. mix well and pour in a 5" round ring and freeze to set.

Strawberry Filling
2 egg yolk
50g sugar
60g strawberry puree
150g whipping cream (Millac brand)
20g orange puree
1.5tsp gelatin powder
2tbsp hot water

1. whip yolk to creamy and add BOILED sugar and strawberry puree to egg
2. whip cream to soft peaks and combine to egg mizture
3. Add in dissolved gelatin

Strawberry glaze
200g Neutral glaze
100g mirror gel
50g water
1.5tsp gelatin powder
3tbsp hwater
strawberry food coloring
40g condensed milk

1. soak gelatin in chilled water
2. boil glaze, water and condensed milk
3. turn off the fire and ad mirror gel
4. add food coloring, and cool well before use.

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