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Lecturer by day, baker by night. I believe in sharing with anyone who seeks the perfect recipe. Baking is both a science and an art.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Pullman Bread

Pullman bread is none other than your everyday sandwich loaves. To get the perfect sharp edges, a special tin has to be purchased. 

Pullman Bread
260g Bread flour
180g Water
5g yeast
25g Sugar
1tsp Salt
20g butter
50g Raisin
40g walnut

1. Combine all ingredients except for salt and butter, raisins, and walnut
2. Mix well and then add salt and butter
3. lastly, add raisins and walnut
4. Rest for 30 mins, flaten, and shape, and rest for another 15mins
5. Place in baking tin, and proof
6. Bake at 200 degrees for 35 mins

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